Ephesians 4 says we need to be "equipped" for our role of ministry in the world. We provide a number of Tools to support our work, from helping in Discernment to helping determine how our unique Gifts and Talents may be calling us to uniquely serve God.
This section contains general tools to equip intentional disciples for their ministry in the world. The Catholic tradition has many, many tools to offer, so this is necessarily a selective list. Our focus is on those that are most specific and helpful to living our daily lives, and can be utilized or promoted within parishes.
Additional tools can be found under specific Gospel values or daily life issues.
This section contains general tools to equip intentional disciples for their ministry in the world. The Catholic tradition has many, many tools to offer, so this is necessarily a selective list. Our focus is on those that are most specific and helpful to living our daily lives, and can be utilized or promoted within parishes.
Additional tools can be found under specific Gospel values or daily life issues.
Related To
Equipping ministry provides the theological basis for providing tools.
Header photo by Jorge Royan (Creative Commons License).