Evangelization is the work of intentional disciples. In conversion a person commits to discipleship: having a personal relationship with God, surrendering one's life to God, living a life of Christian witness, and sharing our faith with others.
Key Insights
Following Jesus
Being a disciple means following Jesus in all that we do. Jesus is quoted 87 times in the Bible as saying, "Follow me." As expressed in Bryan Sirchio's song (see below) the heart of Jesus' call leads us to live our lives differently, not simply to believe particular doctrines. Personal Relationship With God
Conversion happens through a personal encounter with God, and discipleship is sustained through an ongoing personal relationship. We believe in a personal God who calls us by name and cares about us as individuals. |
Way of Life
Christian witness is an entire way of life and way of seeing the world, not just how we might act in certain situations. We can understand this lifestyle in various ways, such as being motivated by Christian love (charity), morality, or stewardship. Commitment To the Church
We cannot be disciples in isolation, but only within the supportive community of the Church. A commitment to discipleship also is a commitment to being part of that community of believers. |
The Cost of Discipleship
Living a life of discipleship is often not easy, and it is important for us to consider the cost, in addition to the overwhelming rewards, it can place on our lives. |
To create a culture of witness, we must live explicit lives of discipleship. Being a disciple is a challenge. Fortunately, one does not become a disciple of Christ on his or her own initiative. The work of the Holy Spirit within the Christian community forms the person as a disciple of Christ. Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization
Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, U.S. Bishops Being a believer means that one lives a certain way -- walking with the Lord, doing justice, loving kindness, living peaceably among all people. Christian discipleship means practicing what Jesus preached. Discipleship is found in a relationship with Christ and a commitment to His mission of "bringing good news to the poor, liberty to captives, new sight to the blind and setting the downtrodden free." (Luke 4) Followers of the Lord Jesus live their discipleship as spouses and parents, single adults and youth, employers and employees, consumers and investors, citizens and neighbors. We renew the warning of the Second Vatican Council that the "split between the faith which many profess and their daily lives deserves to be counted among the more serious errors of our age." By our Baptism and Confirmation every member of our community is called to live his or her faith in the world. Christian faith is lived in discipleship to Jesus Christ. As disciples, through the power of the Holy Spririt, our lives become increasingly centered on Jesus and the kingdom he proclaims. By opening ourselves to him we find community with all his faith-filled disciples and by their example come to know Jesus more intimately. By following the example of his self-giving love we learn to be Christian disciples in our own time, place, and circumstances. |
I met this preacher from Australia Bryan Sirchio, "Follow Me (87 Times)," Justice and Love
...the call to live our faith in everyday choices and actions remains at the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This call takes on renewed urgency as we approach the Great Jubilee, but it is not new. The task of disciples today was probably best and most simply expressed in the words of the prophet Micah: "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness and walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8) |
Cover image from Pentecost, a painting by El Greco.